Not to make you sound old but... Seek was founded a 24 years ago (in late '97) and has been listed on the ASX for +15 years now. In fact, the thought of listing jobs through a non-digital medium would be completely foreign to anyone born this millennium
After Seek, there appeared to be limited innovation in the Aus HR sector (well at least none of it made headlines) and everything except job advertising was stuck in the dark ages. Fast forward to today and HR-tech is THE hot sector once again.
These new tech companies* are helping employees and employers with everything from payroll and back-office functions, rostering services, recruitment screening/validating, culture and performance testing as well as redeployment & career changes.
Here is a brief overview of the players and what they do.
The Big Players
CultureAmp (private - $1.5b valuation) Now a growing player in UK/US – they created an automated solution to help companies survey their employees & provide companies with practical advice to improve employee retention and performance.
Employment Hero (private - $800m valuation): One of the earlier Seek partnerships - Employment Hero have an automated HR, payroll and benefits platform for SMEs. They have grown to having 6000 subscribers, collectively managing over 250,000 employees.
Elmo (ASX listed - $450m): These guys have created back-office software for most of the HR process (payroll, expense claims, onboarding etc) and expanded in the UK market
Skedulo (private - Raised A$115m): They exclusively focus on "deskless" staff who are out on site providing software to better track workflow and rostering
Deputy (private – Raised US$106m): On the rostering side of things Deputy provide software to schedule and time-track staff in financial services, legal professionals, film crews, engineers, and staffing agencies. Although the valuation has been withheld Deputy has been very successful in two funding rounds to date
Livehire (ASX listed - $100m): Now listed, Livehire are a recruitment network which performs the usual Seek-style role but seeks to create a talent network instead of simply an area for job postings
The smaller end of town
Vervoe (Raised $3.5m) Instead of simply screening job applicants; Vervoe's focus on testing applicants to get the right hire. They have automated tests and simulations based on interview scripts written by 'experts' to reduce the recruitment risk
Rejig (Raised $2.2m): uses AI to analyse talent data to help companies find, recruit and develop talent. One area of expertise is on the redeployment of staff in big businesses into jobs that better suit your skill-set
Tanda (limited info): Brisbane based rostering and payroll business. Their particular focus is ensuring timesheets and 'award' tracking is automated
Weploy (limited info): On-demand staffing platform for Customer Service
So as you can see the HR-tech market is not short of players in Australia... or even saturated. That being the case, the landscape for employees and HR-teams has never had more tech at its fingertips (as you can see below)
*For simplicity, I have chosen to exclude compliance/training businesses (e.g. SafetyCulture, Go1 etc) or freelancing (e.g. Freelancer) because those are a whole another story - but for anyone interested